Trips & Socials

We host a number of social activities throughout the year. Some of these are for carers only and usually involve meals out, and carers-only trips which are very popular. We also have family coach trips – a popular one is the visit to Adventure Island in Southend.  Every Christmas many of us go to the pantomime at Sir James Hawkey Hall (Oh yes we do!) This is a family event which is enjoyed by everyone. All activities are subsidised by STAAR so members just pay a contribution.

From time to time we hold parties, at Christmas or special occasions. We celebrated our anniversary with a party which was a lot of fun!
We encourage our members to put forward ideas for future events.

If you would like to find out more or reserve a space at one of our events, please contact us through the general enquiries form on the contact page.

Parents and Carers socials:

On the first Wednesday of each month STAAR holds a social in Wanstead from  7:30pm. This monthly social is specifically for parents and carers of young people 18+ only (transitioning to adulthood and supported living).

Parent and carer evening meal:

Family Trips:

Southend Sunday 13th April 2025

For those who an make their own way, either by car or train, some STAAR members will be going to Southend on Sunday 13th April. There are plenty of Adventure Island tickets available for £10 and a few Sealife tickets for £5. Because there are very few Sealife tickets left, priority will be given to those STAAR members who dislike the rides. Tickets can be purchased in advance (message for details), or at the main ticket office at Adventure Island at midday on Sunday 13th April. Tickets will also be available at the STAAR Market on 2nd March.

Contact Christine to arrange:


